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Companies we’ve helped grow
We'll give you more accurate insights
We don’t rely on mainstream market tools, which only have an accuracy rate of around 70%. We have our own purpose-built audience analysis software, which gives us data that’s 98% accurate. So when you work with us you’ll know you’re basing high-stakes business decisions on consistent, reliable information.
We'll keep the focus on people
While our work is firmly rooted in data and analytics, we never forget that what we’re really studying is human behaviour. Every set of numbers is designed to reveal the reality of how people think, feel, and behave, and every insight we bring to you will directly affect how your customers interact with your brand.
We'll make it easy to take action
Our team all have in-house marketing or research experience, so we know exactly how you’ll need to apply our discoveries in your day-to-day work. Although our research is thorough, we don’t drown you in numbers. We interpret what we find and present you with strategic, practical insights you can put into action right away.