Logo testing
A logo is what makes a company instantly recognisable to customers, and it often acts as a visual representation of key brand values.
So although changing or updating a logo is something that many brands do during their lifetime, there are risks involved – brand logos can stir up very strong emotions among consumers.
However, our logo testing work means you can find out how potential and existing customers will respond to a new logo or strapline long before it’s unveiled. We test a variety of different visuals to gauge what your audience think of them, analysing how each logo variation is perceived and understanding which would have the most positive impact on your brand.
With a bit of help from HuPa, our purpose-built customer segmentation tool, we can also determine how different groups feel about your logo. That way if there are differences of opinion across your audiences, you can focus on the feedback from your most valuable customers.
How Our Logo Testing Can Help
Our logo testing work helps you answer questions like:
- Which logo, from several options, do new/existing customers prefer?
- Why do they like/dislike specific options?
- How do the different options make them feel about the brand?
- Do they prefer a logo with or without a strapline? And which straplines do they respond to best?
Discovering the answers means you’ll know ahead of time how your new logo will be received, so you can deal with problems or objections before they occur and give your new branding the highest chance of success.
Price and proposition testing: Institute of Directors (IoD)
Due to growing competition, IoD wanted to look into how they could grow their business and attract new members. They’d devised three membership packages and wanted to discover how attractive these different membership options were.
Think our logo testing work sounds like just what you need?
We’d love to talk with you about how our insights could help your business grow.