Insights Article

As the new year begins, one thing you can depend on is that people across the UK are resolving to lead healthier lifestyles. For many, this resolution also includes the intention to lose weight. It’s a familiar scene: a renewed sense of motivation, perhaps spurred on by new activewear, a fresh gym membership, or the latest fitness tracker.
Yet a few weeks in, daily routines and old habits re-emerge, and many will have given up already. People can find themselves stuck in this familiar cycle year-on year. However, for some, there may be another route. Over the past couple of years weight-loss injections such as Ozempic, Mounjaro and Wegovy have become a part of the health and fitness conversation.
Often described as a ‘Hollywood secret’, and ostensibly intended to aid weight-loss in diabetics, the weight loss drugs have since spread far and wide. The NHS has recently approved the use of Mounjaro, with the caveat that demand far outweighs capacity – meaning that it will take around 12 years to reach the 3.4 million eligible under current criteria.
Demand outside of medical need is also high: over a third of adults in our recent insights survey claimed they would be likely or very likely to consider semaglutide weight loss injections. These numbers were very similar to those for cosmetic surgery and Botox, suggesting a comparable level of acceptance among consumers despite the relative newness of weight loss injectables.
There is, however, a level of apprehension: a quarter of adults consider weight loss injections to be an unnecessary risk, with unknown long-term effects. Women were also more concerned about off-putting side effects.
Younger consumers were most keen to try the ‘skinny jab’, with almost half of 18-39 year olds surveyed expressing a desire to try it out, rising to a whopping 61% among 23-27 year olds. This age group also thought injections could produce longer lasting results compared to slimming groups and provide better value for money. However, they were also the group most likely to worry that usage would lead to judgement from others.
If weight loss injections become the new normal this will have a large knock-on effect on businesses associated with the weight loss industry such as slimming groups, weight loss retreats, and magazines. WeightWatchers saw share price plummet last year when long-term spokesperson Oprah Winfrey exited the board, after finding success with weight loss injectables herself. Thinking more broadly, areas such as fashion and food may also experience significant changes in consumer habits and behaviours.
These shifts in the market can happen rapidly, but for organisations harnessing the power of market research, they also present opportunities to uncover emerging trends and gain a competitive advantage.
To speak to Clusters about conducting research in your market, get in touch to arrange a call.
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